Requirements for ESTA

Updated on Aug 21, 2024 | Online US Visa

Applicants who wish to apply for an ESTA must ensure that they are properly prepared. Take your time reading the questions and making sure you understand them. Then gather all the necessary documents and set aside 15 to 20 minutes to complete the form. The following checklist was created to assist you with the ESTA application procedure. They specify what is required to apply for an ESTA.

Online US Visa is an electronic travel authorization or travel permit to visit United States for a period of time upto 90 days and visit these amazing places in United States. International visitors must have an Online US Visa to be able to visit United States many attractions. Foreign citizens can apply for an US Visa Application in a matter of minutes. Online US Visa Application process is automated, simple, and completely online.

What is the ESTA application time?

Allow at least 15 minutes, but preferably 20 minutes or more, to properly read the questions and complete the ESTA application correctly.

Suppose you are applying on behalf of yourself and permitted three (3) other family members. In that case, you will need at least an hour to complete the entire application and then go over everything again to ensure you provided all of the necessary information.

In order to receive your Online US Visa, you will first have to complete the Online US Visa Application Form on this website, and pay online. Learn more at Online US Visa Application Form.

What are the Technical Details?

To complete and submit your ESTA application successfully, make sure that you have the following things available. A checklist for applying for an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) is as follows.

A consistent internet connection:

Even though this is self-evident, applicants frequently attempt to apply using an unreliable or slow internet connection. It is advised that ESTA applicants have access to a solid Wi-Fi or ethernet connection so that they may complete all of the form fields and submit their application without interruptions. If your internet connection is lost while you are filling out the form, you will experience a time-out and will have to restart the entire application.

A laptop, desktop, mobile device, or tablet with Internet access:

Applicants must apply for an ESTA using an internet-connected device, such as a laptop, desktop, mobile device, or tablet. In addition, your device will require a current browser that is compatible with the ESTA website.

Passport from a Visa Waiver Country: 

In order to apply for an ESTA, you must have a valid electronic passport issued by one of the visa waiver countries. Make sure your passport is valid and meets the eligibility requirements for ESTA, including being an eligible country and having a biometric chip. This means you must be a citizen of one of these countries to be eligible for an ESTA. Individuals who hold passports from more than one nation should input information from each passport.

Personal Information: 

Gather your personal information, including your full name, date of birth, address, and passport information.

Information about your family:

You must submit your parents' last and first names on the ESTA application form. If you don't know this information, simply type 'UNKNOWN'.

Emergency Contact Information: 

Enter the name, phone number, and email address of an individual or organization, inside or outside the United States, who will serve as your emergency contact here. If you are ever engaged in an accident, the police will contact this individual or organization.

Contact Information for the United States:

Provide an email address and phone number where you can be reached while traveling. Enter the name, the phone number, and email address of a person or organization in the United States who will serve as your contact here. The address you provide will be validated to guarantee the accuracy of the data. If you do not have a contact person or organization in the United States, enter '00000' in the number boxes and 'UNKNOWN' in the text areas on the form.

U.S. Address Details: 

In this field, put the name and contact information for the place where you will stay during your visit to the United States. The address you enter will also be validated to ensure that it is correct. If this information is not yet available, enter '00000' for the number fields and 'UNKNOWN' for the text fields again.

Employment Information: 

If you are currently employed, you must include the name, address, and phone number of the person or firm that employs you.

Criminal Records: 

If you have ever been arrested for a criminal offense, you should examine your historical police records to determine if it appears under your history of major criminal offenses. This may reduce the likelihood of your ESTA application getting approved.

Payment Options:

Have a valid credit or debit card to pay the ESTA fee. The ESTA system offers only a few payment methods. The list contains VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express debit and credit cards. Checks, bank transfers, cash, PayPal, and other alternative payment methods have yet to be supported.

Payment Period of 7 Days: 

You must pay the ESTA application fees within a week (7 days) of submitting the form. If you do not do so, your application will expire, and you will have to restart the entire application procedure.

Answer Security Questions: 

You will be required to answer questions about your background and security, including any previous arrests or deportations, and any connections to terrorist organizations.

Review and Submit: 

Carefully review all the information you have provided before submitting the ESTA application. Make sure that all the information is correct and complete.

Receiving Approval: 

After submitting the ESTA application, you will receive a response via email within 72 hours. It is important to check the status of your application regularly to ensure that it has been approved.

Print the Approval: 

If your ESTA application is approved, print a copy of the approval and carry it with you during your travels.

Citizens of 40 countries are eligible for Online US Visa. The United States Visa eligbility must be met to obtain the visa to travel to USA. A valid passport is required for entry into USA. Learn more at Online US Visa Eligible Countries.

What are the next steps?

These are a few points to keep in mind before you start preparing for your next trip with the ESTA:

  • Update Information: If any of your information changes after you have received your ESTA approval, it is important to update your information as soon as possible. This can include changes in travel plans, contact information, or any other relevant information.
  • Renewal: ESTAs are valid for two (2) years, or until your passport expires, whichever comes first. You will need to apply for a new ESTA if you need to travel to the United States after the expiration of your current ESTA.
  • Seek Professional Assistance: If you have any doubts or concerns about the ESTA application process, it may be a good idea to seek professional assistance from a travel agent or immigration lawyer. They can help guide you through the process and ensure that your application is completed accurately and efficiently.
  • Know the Law: Familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations governing travel to the United States, including the terms and conditions of the ESTA. Understanding these laws will help ensure that you have a smooth and successful trip.
  • Familiarize Yourself with Local Customs: Before traveling, familiarize yourself with the local customs and culture of the United States. This will help you to avoid any misunderstandings or cultural faux pas during your stay.
  • Pack Wisely: Make sure to pack wisely for your trip, taking into account the local climate and any specific needs you may have. Be mindful of the restrictions on what items you can bring into the country and what items must be declared at customs.
  • Enjoy Your Trip: Finally, enjoy your trip to the United States! Make the most of your time and experiences, and always be mindful of the local laws and customs.

By following this checklist, you can ensure that you have all the necessary information and documents to successfully apply for an ESTA. It's important to apply for an ESTA in advance of your trip to the United States, as processing times can vary and you may need to have an approved ESTA in order to enter the country.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Online USA Visa. Get answers to the most common questions about the requirements, important information and documents required to travel to United States. Learn more at US Visa Online Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the Group Application? 

A maximum of 50 applications can be submitted and paid for at the same time. Individuals who are part of the same group application are not required to travel together, and neither is the principal applicant.

Fill Online US Visa application form here, if you want to apply for a US Visa Online. For any help or need any clarifications about your US visa application, you can contact our helpdesk. We are here to help you. Learn more at Online US Visa Application Form, Process - How To Apply for Online US Visa.

How to Check the Status of Your ESTA Application?

Once you have filed your ESTA application, you can check its status by visiting the official ESTA online status check page.

  • If your ESTA is accepted, you will be permitted to board a ship or plane to the United States.
  • If it says Pending wait 72 hours before checking your ESTA status again.
  • If your ESTA application is denied and you still want to visit the United States, your best choice is to apply for a visa.
  • If your ESTA status is 'Not Found' or 'Expired,' you should double-check all the information you supplied on the form to ensure you did not provide any inaccurate information.
  • If your ESTA is denied due to typographical errors or returns a status of 'Not Found' or 'Expired,' your final option is to file a fresh ESTA application.

What are the next steps after you have completed and made payment for Online US Visa? Learn more at Next Steps: After you apply for Online US Visa.


This page has provided a checklist of the necessary technology, time, payment, personal information, and papers to apply for an ESTA. By following the points on the checklist, applicants can assure a seamless application experience.

Applicants should submit an online application for a US tourist visa if they want to travel there. Citizens travelling from overseas to nations that do not require visas must first apply for a US tourist visa online, often known as an ESTA. Learn more at US Tourist Visa.

French citizens, German citizens, Greek citizens, and Italian citizens can apply online for ESTA US Visa.